Wilson Center researchers recently joined Nicholas Scurich, Associate Professor of Criminology, Law & Society, Vice Chair of the Department of Psychological Science at the University of California in Irvine, to explain their findings about lay jurors perceptions of forensic evidence. Wilson Center Director Brandon Garrett and Research Director Dr. William Crozier described two experiments as […]
Tag: forensic science
Wilson Center Signs Letter Calling for Federal Rule Amendment to Stop Use of Unreliable Science in Court
The Wilson Center for Science and Justice has signed on to a letter to the Committee on Rules of Practice and Procedure at the Administrative Office of the United States Courts calling for the use of only sound scientific evidence in the criminal legal system. “Our respective experiences underscore the importance of amending Federal Rule of Evidence […]
NEW: Duke Scientific Integrity Associate Interviews Brandon Garrett About Criminal Legal System
Emilia Chiscop-Head, Ph.D. and Scientific Integrity Associate at Advancing Scientific Integrity, Services and Training (ASIST) recently caught up with Wilson Center Director Brandon Garrett about the criminal legal system, structural racism and policing reforms. Brandon L. Garrett, JD is the inaugural L. Neil Williams, Jr. Professor of Law and came to Duke in 2017 from […]
A Look at the Wilson Center’s Work for the Innocent on Wrongful Convictions Day
By: Brandon L. Garrett Today we celebrate international Wrongful Convictions Day, for the sixth time. In those years, we have seen exonerations mount in the U.S. and around the world. New laws directed at recognizing claims of innocence, preserving and testing new evidence, improving forensic science, and combating false confessions, eyewitness misidentifications, and jailhouse informant […]
New Study Funded by CSAFE Reveals Impact of Forensic Evidence on Jurors
The Center for Statistics and Applications in Forensic Evidence (CSAFE) funded a Duke Center for Science and Justice Study that reveals the impact of forensic evidence on jurors. The article “Error Rates, Likelihood Ratios, and Jury Evaluation of Forensic Evidence” presents a study by Duke CSJ Director Brandon L. Garrett, JD, Research Director William E. […]
Report: Justice System Must Improve Quality of Forensic Science for Courtroom Presentation
Is forensic science in the courtroom as trustworthy as it seems? Not always, according to a new report co-authored by Duke Center for Science and Justice Research Director William Crozier. “Faulty forensic science sometimes makes its way into the courtroom where jurors must evaluate its credibility,” the report abstract states. “But at least two factors […]