UNC SOG Recruiting Police Departments for New Citation Project
Police chiefs across the state have been invited to participate in a pilot program run by the UNC School of Government’s Criminal Justice Innovation Lab (CJIL) and the NCACP: The Citation Project, which seeks to improve policing practices through implementation and rigorous evaluation of a model citation in lieu of arrest policy.
Last week, the North Carolina Association of Chiefs of Police invited its members to apply to serve as pilot sites for the new project, according to a UNC SOG blog post.
The project has three components: (1) developing a model citation in lieu of arrest policy; (2) selecting North Carolina police departments to serve as pilot sites and supporting their implementation of the model policy; and (3) conducting an empirical evaluation to assess impact on core criminal justice metrics.
The application period for police to apply to become a pilot site will remain open until August 5th, and there will be an information session for interested departments Friday. Pilot sites will be selected by the end of August, with decisions based on factors such as commitment to implementation, adequacy of local resources, community demographics and caseloads.
Read more about the project and timeline here. For more information about the project, individuals can also contact CJIL Project Manager Ethan Rex at rex@sog.unc.edu.