Category: Uncategorized

Effects of COVID-19 on Community Programs for Justice-involved Adults with Behavioral Health Disorders

by Dr. Allison Robertson, Associate Professor, Services Effectiveness Research Program, Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences, Duke University School of Medicine Much important attention is focusing on how the COVID-19 pandemic is gravely affecting people who are incarcerated in US jails and prisons, a crisis that is worsening daily. There are also very serious concerns about justice-involved people who […]

Our NC Fines and Fees Data Website

Today we launched a new CSJ report on the explosion of fines and fees in North Carolina.  As a companion to the report, we created, with outstanding work by Caroline Levenson, Duke Class of ’22, a data resource website here.  The About page where you start, gives you a brief overview of our findings – […]

The Innocence Files

The new Netflix series, the “Innocence Files,” features the stories of eight Innocence Project exoneration cases. The exonerates are: Kennedy Brewer, Levon Brooks, Alfred Dewayne Brown, Franky Carrillo, Keith Harward, Thomas Haynesworth, Chester Hollman II, and Kenneth Wyniemko. The focus of the series is flawed forensics, eyewitness misidentifications, and prosecutorial misconduct  – three (of many) […]

State Prison Responses to COVID-19

Updated May 12. The information below has been collected for the Center for Science and Justice from state corrections departments’ official websites, by Deniz Ariturk, recent graduate of the MA program in Bioethics and Science Policy at Duke University. States’ responses to COVID-19 have been quite varied, as has been the amount of information they provide […]