Category: Behavioral Health Needs

New Wilson Center report explores alternatives to law enforcement transport for people experiencing behavioral health crises

For too many people experiencing acute mental illness, cries for help bring police and handcuffs rather than compassionate medical intervention. But this doesn’t have to be the case. The Wilson Center for Science and Justice at Duke Law explores this issue and makes recommendations in our latest report: Changing the Route: Seeking Compassionate Alternatives to […]

Medicaid Enrollment and Resource Fair

Medicaid has expanded in North Carolina and you may qualify now! Join the Wilson Center, LegalAid of NC, OurJourney, and partners across the Triangle for help enrolling, learn about other resources, and sign up for raffled prizes! Get help with: Medicaid Enrollment Housing STI Testing Employment Reentry Resources Substance Use Treatment And more! Note: Spanish […]

Wilson Center Makes Recommendations to Improve Housing Access

Finding Home: Removing Barriers to Housing for Formerly Incarcerated Individuals Over half a million people in the United States are unhoused, and the rate of homelessness among formerly incarcerated individuals is ten times higher than that of the general population, with justice-impacted Black people being 50% more likely to be unhoused than justice-impacted white people. […]

Deflection and Diversion Summit Draws Participants from across North Carolina

This month, we were grateful for the opportunity to co-sponsor a Convening on Deflection and Pre-Arrest Diversion with the North Carolina Governor’s office and the North Carolina Department of Justice. This summit brought together policy makers, behavioral health practitioners, law enforcement officers and other stakeholders across the state to discuss ways to implement and improve […]