Category: Blog

New Article from Garrett, Albright First to Explore Intersection of Law, Science of Eyewitness Evidence

Eyewitness evidence, used in tens of thousands of criminal cases each year, crucially depends on eyewitness memory, which is quite fallible. The potential inaccuracy of eyewitness memory has been long demonstrated by examples of misidentifications, including in cases of wrongful conviction. Eyewitness identification procedures, which are themselves experiments, lend themselves to scientific research as do […]

CSJ’s Dr. Marvin Swartz Discusses Police Misconduct, Reform in New Guest Post

Dr. Marvin Swartz brought some needed attention on a form of police misconduct that’s remained mostly out of the spotlight in a new guest post on NC Policy Watch. The post, titled, “Concerns about police misconduct should spur reform, funding for civil commitment process,” describes the challenge of enforcing civil commitment laws. Involuntary civil commitment is […]

Upcoming Duke Science & Society Event will Address Racial Bias in Healthcare, COVID-19

The Duke Center for Science and Justice is cohosting an upcoming  Duke Science & Society event as part of its Coronavirus Conversations series. The virtual event is titled “Racial Bias in the Healthcare System and COVID Outcomes” and will start at 4 p.m. Aug. 27. Online registration ahead of time is required. Find more information […]

North Carolinians to USCCR: More Has to be Done to Mitigate Impact of Court Fines, Fees

North Carolina residents, attorneys and criminal justice reform advocates laid bare Thursday the brutal consequences for defendants who can’t afford to pay court fines and fees to the North Carolina Advisory Committee to the United States Commission on Civil Rights (USCCR). The Committee has been hosting public panels to hear testimony about post-conviction legal financial obligations […]

Upcoming SAMHSA Webinar Offers Advice for Drug Treatment Courts During Pandemic

There are currently 59 recovery courts in 32 counties in North Carolina, and thousands more across the nation designed to help criminal defendants who have alcohol and other substance use disorders. Many of those courts have been successfully using teleservices to increase client access during the COVID-19 pandemic. Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration […]

New CSAFE Study Shows Juror Appraisals of Forensic Evidence

A new CSAFE study by Duke Center for Science and Justice Director Brandon Garrett, Research Director William Crozier and Towson University’s Jeff Kukucka was released online in late July and will appear in the October issue of Forensic Science International. The article “Juror appraisals of forensic evidence: Effects of blind proficiency and cross-examination” found that […]

Faculty from Duke CSJ Behavioral Health Core Looking for PostDoc

The Duke Service Effectiveness Research Program in the Duke Department of Psychiatry & Behavioral Sciences is currently recruiting for a Postdoctoral Associate to join their research team. The candidate will work under the supervision of senior faculty members (and Duke CSJ team members): Drs. Jeffrey Swanson, Allison Robertson, Michele Easter and Marvin Swartz. The position […]

New Study Funded by CSAFE Reveals Impact of Forensic Evidence on Jurors

The Center for Statistics and Applications in Forensic Evidence (CSAFE) funded a Duke Center for Science and Justice Study that reveals the impact of forensic evidence on jurors. The article “Error Rates, Likelihood Ratios, and Jury Evaluation of Forensic Evidence” presents a study by Duke CSJ Director Brandon L. Garrett, JD, Research Director William E. […]