Advances in Programs for Formerly Incarcerated Individuals

Wilson Center for Science and Justice hosts an expert panel discussion about frontline programs for individuals returning from incarceration and how they can support re-entry with healthcare and peer support. This event focuses on meeting program clients’ behavioral health needs. Panelists are Shira Shavit, MD, Executive Director of the Transitions Clinic Network (TCN) out of San Francisco; Joseph Calderon, Senior Community Health Worker with TCN; Evan Ashkin, MD, Director of the North Carolina Formerly Incarcerated Transition (FIT) Program; and Tommy Green, NC FIT Program Lead Community Health Worker (CHW) and the Orange County CHW. These experts have direct involvement with development and practice in frontline programming, both nationally and in NC. Dr. Allison Gilbert, PhD, MPH, Associate Professor in Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences, moderates.