Year: 2021

Novel Justice | Punishment Without Trial: Why Plea Bargaining Is a Bad Deal by Carissa Hessick

Novel Justice is a book event series hosted by the Wilson Center for Science and Justice. We invite authors to discuss recently published criminal justice books and to engage in Q&A with faculty and students. Carissa Hessick is the Ransdell Distinguished Professor of Law at the University of North Carolina School of Law, where she […]

Advances in Programs for Formerly Incarcerated Individuals

Wilson Center for Science and Justice hosts an expert panel discussion about frontline programs for individuals returning from incarceration and how they can support re-entry with healthcare and peer support. This event focuses on meeting program clients’ behavioral health needs. Panelists are Shira Shavit, MD, Executive Director of the Transitions Clinic Network (TCN) out of […]

Mental Illness and the Criminally Accused

The Wilson Center for Science and Justice at Duke Law hosts a roundtable discussion about people with mental illnesses who are criminally accused and found incompetent to proceed in the criminal legal system. Topics include how competency restoration poses a challenge and costly management problem for state mental health and criminal legal systems; alternative pathways […]

Fitch and Swanson on Civil Commitment

Civil commitment and the mental health care continuum: Historical trends and principles for law and practice. Jeffrey Swanson is Professor in Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences at Duke University School of Medicine. Larry Fitch is a lawyer on the faculty of the University of Maryland, where he teaches classes on mental health law in the Law […]