Scientific evidence plays an increasing role in criminal cases, including traditional forensic methods, such as fingerprint and firearms comparisons, but also new ways of evaluating DNA.
But how accurate and effective is this evidence? And do jurors, lawyers, and judges fully understand its implications? The Center works on research and policies that improve forensic methods and the reliability of forensic evidence used in court.
Autopsy of a Crime Lab
Faculty Director Brandon Garrett's Autopsy of a Crime Lab explores the sources of error and the faulty science behind a range of well-known forensic evidence, from fingerprints and firearms to forensic algorithms.
Selected Publications
- Surveying Practicing Firearm Examiners By: Nicholas Scurich, Brandon L. Garrett, and Robert M. Thompson – Forensic Science International: Synergy (2022)
- Juror Appraisals of Forensic Evidence: Effects of Blind Proficiency and Cross-Examination By: William Crozier, Jeff Kukucka and Brandon L. Garrett – Forensic Science International (2020)
- The Impact of Proficiency Testing Information and Error Aversions on the Weight Given to Fingerprint Evidence By: Gregory P. Mitchell and Brandon L. Garrett – Behavioral Science and Law (2019)