Eyewitness misidentifications are a leading cause of wrongful convictions, yet this type of evidence continues to be used in large numbers of criminal cases.
We work on identifying reliable ways of using eyewitness evidence and better ways to inform lawyers, judges, and jurors about the limitations of this type of evidence.
Selected Publications
- Face Value? How Jurors Evaluate Eyewitness Face Recognition Ability By: Adele Quigley-McBride, William Crozier, Chad S. Dodson, Jennifer Teitcher, and Brandon Garrett in Journal of Applied Research in Memory and Cognition (2022)
- The Law and Science of Eyewitness Evidence By: Thomas Albright and Brandon Garrett in Boston University Law Review (2021)
- Factoring the Role of Eyewitness Evidence in the Courtroom By: Brandon Garrett, Alice Liu, Karen Kafadar, Joanne Yaffe, and Chad S. Dodson in Journal of Empirical Legal Studies (2020)
- Self-Policing: Dissemination and Adoption of Police Eyewitness Policies in Virginia By: Brandon Garrett in Virginia Law Review (2019)